Xpier Luxury Replica is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality luxury replica products in China. Our goal is to provide customers with true quality and design of luxury goods while maintaining accessible prices.
Background of Foundation: Since its foundation in 2010, Xpier has strived to become a symbol of trust and quality in the luxury replica industry. We continue to pursue innovation to meet the needs of our customers and to provide replica brands of various global brands.
Products and Services: Quality: Our products are produced using top-notch materials and sophisticated manufacturing technology. Each product undergoes a thorough quality inspection to the details. Design: Reflecting the latest trends and designs of luxury brands, it fully embodies the style you want. Customer Service: From order to delivery, we provide customer support service with customer satisfaction as the top priority.
Facilities: Our production facilities are armed with state-of-the-art technology, so we can maintain consistent quality in mass production. Thanks to China's strategic location, we operate an efficient logistics system from procuring raw materials to delivering final products.
Vision: Xpier wants to go beyond just making replica and grow into a recognized brand in the global market. We will establish ourselves as a socially responsible company and minimize the impact on the environment through sustainable management.
Korean Market Survey Results.
The commonly used replica classification is divided by quality, detail, material, and similarity to the original. Below is a description of the difference between B, A, SA, mirror, and 1:1 levels.
1. Grade B Quality: The lowest quality replica, only the appearance is made approximately similar to the original. Material: Low cost material, low durability and finish. Details: Logo location, embroidery, pattern, etc. may differ from the original, and even those who are not familiar with the original can easily notice the difference. Price: Very cheap. Use: A brief mimicry of fashion or style.
2. Grade A Quality: better than Class B, more similar in appearance to the original. Material: Slightly better quality materials, but still a lot of low cost artificial materials. Details: Logos and patterns are similar to the original, but up close, the difference is clear. Price: reasonable but still low. Usage: may look similar to the original from a distance.
3. SA-level Quality: High quality replica, boasting a fairly close look and finish to the original. Material: Use high-quality artificial or medium-grade natural materials. Details: Logo locations, patterns, etc. are very similar to the original, but experts can see the difference. Price: Medium. Usage: Although it looks like the original even for everyday use, it may not be enough for close-up detail verification.
4. mirror-grade Quality: Top-of-the-line replica, almost like the original. Material: Made very similar to the original using natural leather or high quality materials. Details: Logo, embroidery, pattern, sewing, etc. are almost identical to the original, and it is difficult for even experts to tell. Price: Relatively expensive. Usage: Available in the same quality as the original, suitable for those who want a luxurious feel.
5. 1:1 Quality: a replica similar to mirrorweight, but close to perfection in terms of detail and material. Material: Use the same level of top quality material as the original. Details: reproduces the original production process as much as possible, making it almost impossible to distinguish logos, patterns, and interior details. Price: Most expensive of the replica, and some products may be similar to the original price. Usage: As it is virtually difficult to feel the difference from the original, it can be used as an alternative to the original.